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これも、縄文!?|Editor’s Note #46

今から遡ること10,000年前、日本列島には日本人のルーツ、縄文人が暮らしていた。そして信じられないことにその原始的な文化は、今の日本の暮らしや精神のなかに受け継がれている。これも、あれも、それも、縄文! これも、縄文! […]


Is this Jomon!?
Welcome to BC 10,000, -home to the JOMON people, Japan’s original natives. It seems incredible that such a primitive culture is responsible for the way we live, think and work today- but read on, kore mo, are mo, sore mo JOMON da yo!
Is this Jomon! (1) : Animated Characters.
In Japan everything has an animated character from sports teams, to the police department, to ciites, Japanese people love yuru characters. The Jomon people, were the same carrying their Dogu, hallow pieces of hardened clay characters, everywhere they went. The most famous character, on a scale with today’s Hello Kitty would be the Shako Dogu.
Is this Jomon! (2) : Japanese Lacquer.
In Japan, Japanese Lacquer has throughout time impressed foreigners with it’s extreme beauty but few Japanese people realize that this highly prized material was created by the Jomon people. Even in today’s most modern homes a daily portion of miso soup is commonly served up in a Japanese Lacquer red or black bowel, the same colors that the Jomon people used 10,000 years ago!
Is this Jomon! (3) : The Cooking Pot & Japanese Stew.
In Japan, Japanese Stew or nabe with it’s mixed variations of vegetables, fish and meat is a Japanese winter time classic. The Jomon people not only developed Japan’s first pots and pans but they invented this Japanese classic winter recipe as well.
Is this Jomon! (4) : Camp Festivals & Worship.
In Japan festivals, matsuri have always been popular. Traditionally, town’s people gather together on various dates throughout the year to pay respect to yearly customs while eating, drinking, talking and dancing. Recently, camp & music festivals have become abundant throughout the year. The custom of paying daily respect to their ancestors also began with the Jomon people.
Read on as musician, Ikeda Takafumi takes us into the Jomon’s world. You’ll, no doubt, find yourself saying “Is this Jomon!?”.
PAPERSKY #46 | Northern Japan | Jomon & Craft Beer
縄文土器はお好き!? レキシ・池田貴史さんと
2014年11月30日 発売
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