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PAPERSKY #30 BALI | Natural Rhythm

Happy from Bali
It’s really interesting that over seventy-percent of the people that I meet in cities, pretty much wherever I travel, would rather live in a rural area then in the city. It seems that there is a calling inside many of us to return to nature. And I think this calling comes from an innate mechanism which I would like to call a Natural Rhythm.
Natural Rhythm for me is a conscious approach to creating happiness. During our stay in Bali I was told that the Balinese divide spaces into three specific areas: Nature, people and the spiritual world. It sounds quite simple, but I think by constantly acknowledging the importance of these three things: nature, people and the spiritual world the Balinese people are able to create an inner and outer happiness both for themselves, and their communities.
The people in Bali, radiate in happiness. The kids are always greeting you with big hellos and horseshoe smiles. The Gamelan music, is not just nice to listen to, but has a soothing and peaceful effect on your entire body. The food is healthy and the spices besides lighting up your taste buds, send a message of wholeness to your brain and body alike. And I think the reason for all of this is because the Balinese are very conscious of the importance of keeping and preserving a Natural Rhythm.
Another element, that helps the Balinese people stay happy and tie-together the worlds of nature, people and spirits is a frequent dose of meditation. I’ve been an avid hiker for twenty years, but this trip to Bali marked the first time that I combined hiking and meditating. You literally get naturally high.
Anyway if you’ve got a Natural Rhythm humming in your brain, my advice would be to tune it up and go to Bali.

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